About Us
Learn a bit about us in this video, Hello from Grow2Zero FARMS.
The roots for Grow2Zero FARMS took hold in October 2016 when former high school classmates Judi Gregory and Leif Kemp reconnected over a shared vision of community resilience.
After serving in the US Marine Corps and working in the commercial sector, Leif had founded Semper Fi Growers, a nonprofit organization aiming to help fellow veterans establish their own independent vertical farms. In parallel experiences, Judi served in the US Army National Guard and then founded her own company, Go2Zero Strategies, LLC, which consults on Zero Waste and Sustainability projects throughout Southern California.
Judi and Leif seized on urban farming as a practical means of making healthy food accessible and affordable in underserved SoCal communities while also diverting organic material away from landfills and promoting carbon sequestration.
After finding the corner lot, Grow2Zero FARMS officially made our home in the west side Long Beach community of Irie Park. Funding from Prologis as part of the Santa Fe Corridor Business Grant enabled us to begin the process of beatification and building out a neighborhood farm in the midst of the 2020 COVID-19 health crisis.
Conversations & Resolve. Our conversations with neighbors have revealed stories of the people who live and who have died in the Irie Park community.
As recent members of the neighborhood, we resolve to operate our farm in such a way that honors those young lives and serves local residents by providing low-cost fresh produce and free educational programming. We thank you for the opportunity and are excited to grow together in health, hope, and purpose.
At present, Leif is our Farm Manager while Erin Harris serves as our Farm & Gardens Program Director. Learn more about Leif and Erin and our amazing support staff by clicking on Meet The Farm Staff.